Adult Health Nursing, Palliative Care Nursing画像

Adult Health Nursing, Palliative Care Nursing

Adult Health Nursing, Palliative Care Nursing


Name:Noriko Teruya (Ph.D)
Name:Noriko Teruya (Ph.D)


We offer a course leading to a Certified Nurse Specialist (CNS) in Oncology nursing. In addition, as part of the Kyushu Promotion Plan for the Platform of Human Resource Development for Cancer (, we provide a 40-week intensive course to develop the skill of providing palliative care for clinical nurses. To date, 53 clinical nurses have completed this course.

We provide these programs to contribute to improving the quality of nursing and to solve current issues in oncology nursing practice.


We research a wide range of issues related to cancer nursing and palliative care. These include:

  • Psychosocial support for cancer survivors (including family members) during cancer treatments
  • Nursing care for improving self-care abilities in management of daily life for survivors
  • Educational support for clinical nurses to promote palliative care
  • Advance care planning for patients with advanced cancer.

Recent Publication

Noriko T, Yoko S, Haru S, Takehiko T. Visiting Nurses' Perspectives on Practices to Achieve End-of-Life Cancer Patients' Wishes for Death at Home: A Qualitative Study. Asia Pac J Oncol Nurs. 2019. 6; 4: 389-396. doi: 10.4103/apjon.apjon_18_19.

Noriko T, Yoko S, Takehiko T, Takao Y. Association between Daily Life Difficulties and Acceptance of Disability in Cancer Survivors after Total Laryngectomy: a Cross-Sectional Survey. Asia Pac J Oncol Nurs. 2019. 6; 2: 170-176. doi: 10.4103/apjon.apjon_50_18.

Title of thesis for Master Health Sciences

  • Masayoshi Chinen (2009) A study for palliative care promotion in island region – From the analysis of the consciousness survey to the physicians and nurses.
  • Miyuki Higa (2007) A study on the ways of mental adjustment of outpatients with breast cancer receiving chemotherapy and its related factors.
  • Haru Iha (2006) A study on the bone density status of out-patients with breast cancer and its related factors.
  • Mutsuko Kinjyo (2006) A study on psychological stress responses and coping of family caregivers of patients with terminal cancer.
  • Yasutaka Kimura (2005) A study on the side effect symptoms in cancer patients under going chemotherapy and influence on their food intake, its related factors. – Address to changes of gustatory and olfactory-