令和4(2022年)1月28日(金)9時30分~12時、琉球大学島嶼防災研究センターが、スリランカ、ドミニカ共和国、ハワイ、沖縄におけるCOVID-19感染症対策の専門家を招き、英語によるオンラインを用いた国際シンポジウムを開催しました。シンポジウムの司会は、トーマ クラウディア准教授(細菌学講座)が行いました。
本シンポジウムの焦点は、世界的流行を引き起こしているCOVID-19を島嶼地域における災害と捉え、世界の異なる島嶼地域でどのような対策、規制等がとられ、どのような困難さが浮かび上がったかを明らかにすること、そしてそれを将来の世界的流行への対応策に役立てられることでした。スリランカ、ドミニカ共和国、ハワイ (アメリカ)、沖縄(日本)からそれぞれ異なる観点、状況分析による発表が行われ、 その後、有意義な意見交換がされました。
チャンディカ・ガマ-ジュ教授(ペラデニア大学医学部微生物学、スリランカ):『COVID19 世界的流行におけるスリランカの戦略「検査、経路、隔離」そして治療とワクチン接種』
ペレス・エディー博士(ドミニカ共和国健康内閣・COVID-19保健省健康アドバイ ザー):『カリブ海のCOVID-19:ドミニカ共和国における経験』
小林潤教授(琉球大学医学部保健学研究科、沖縄、日本):『日本の小さい南島 からの推奨:なぜ、沖縄は限られた資源にもかかわらずCOVID-19世界的流行期間、医療崩壊と社会的不安を避けることができたのか?』
「今回、防災の一つとして感染症対策が取り上げられたことは学術的にも沖縄に とっても有用であったと考えられる。すなわち自然災害への対応と感染症のアウトブレイク/パンデミックへの対応は類似した点が多く、対応にあたる人材も保健医療 分野では共通していることが多い。今後、沖縄がどのように災害に対応していくかは、今回の新型コロナ対策からの学びを活かすこともできると改めて確認できた。
ハワイと沖縄は、観光振興と感染症対策のバランスをとりつつ島嶼の限られたリソースで創意工夫して対策をしてきた類似した経験をしており、お互いに学びが多かったと考えられた。演者どうしでシンポジウム終了後コミュニケーションが始まり今後さらなる島嶼地域の学術的ネットワーク強化が期待された。またスリランカとドミニカ共和国では、限られたリソースで新型コロナ対策を維持継続してきており、東アジア、アメリカ、ヨーロッパといった高所得国の対策の経験が主にシェアされているなかで 貴重なプレゼンテーションとなった。」
本学のカストロ教授は、引き続き国際シンポジウムが開催されることを期待され、新型コロナ感染症パンデミック収束後には、沖縄にて対面で実施されることを願っています。講演されたスリランカのチャンディカ・ガマ-ジュ教授、ドミニカ共和国のペレス・エディー博士、ハワイのティム・ブラウン博士、本学の小林潤教授そして司会のトーマ クラウディア准教授に御礼を申し上げます。」
文責:大湾知子(琉球大学医学部保健学科 成人・がん看護学分野)
企画: カストロ ホワンホセ, トーマ クラウディア, 大湾知子
International Symposium on COVID-19 Countermeasures in Island Regions
The Disaster Prevention Research Center for Island Region (DPRCIR) of the University of the Ryukyus organized an international symposium on COVID-19 Countermeasures. Specialists from Sri Lanka, Dominican Republic, Hawaii (United States) and Okinawa (Japan). The symposium was held on January 28, 2022, from 9:30 a.m. to 12:00 and chaired by Associate Professor Claudia Toma, a member of the Department of Bacteriology, Graduate School of Medicine, University of the Ryukyus.
This symposium focused on the difficulties and limitations of the COVID-19 pandemic, countermeasures in the island regions and the exchange of strategies used in different islands regions. The symposium intended to serve as a reference for countermeasures against disaster during future pandemics by learning from the presentations done by representatives from the different island regions of Sri Lanka, Dominican Republic, Hawaii (United States) and Okinawa (Japan), and also by significantly exchanging opinions on strategies applied in the island regions.
Thirty-one persons participated in the event, including COVID-19 infectious disease specialists, university researchers, and students.
The content of the symposium was as follows:
1.Firstly, Prof. Chandika Gamage, Head Department of Microbiology, Faculty of
Medicine, University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka, did a presentation on:
“Sri Lanka’s strategy on COVID-19 pandemic: ‘test, track, isolate’ and treat & vaccinate.”
2.Secondly, Dr. Eddy Perez-Then from Dominican Republic Health Cabinet, COVID-19 Health Advisor for the Ministry of Health, Dominican Republic, presented the topic: “COVID-19 in the Caribbean: the Dominican Republic Experience”
3.Dr. Tim Brown, Senior Fellow, East-West Center, Hawaii, also did a presentation titled:
“Variants in Paradise: Steps and Missteps in Responding to SARS-CoV-2 in Hawaii”
4.Finally, Prof. Jun Kobayashi, Dean, Graduate School of Health Sciences,
University of the Ryukyus, Okinawa, Japan presented the topic:
“A recommendation from the small southern island in Japan: Why has Okinawa been able to avoid medical collapse and social unrest during COVID-19 pandemic despite limited resources?”
Valuable information exchange was done on the COVID-19 countermeasures in Island Regions that occurred since 2020. These include:
①Geographical information such as a nation’s location, area, and population.
②Present and past situation of patients.
③Countermeasures by the government, region, workplace and school.
④Tests, treatment and vaccination.
⑤Specific difficulties and challenges related to the island regions such as control of people’s movement, tourism, and limitation of facilities, commodities, medical staff, etc.
Prof. Jun Kobayashi gave a valuable impression. He mentioned that, the fact that infectious disease control was taken up as part of disaster prevention in this symposium is considered to be useful both academically and for implementation in Okinawa. There are many similarities between responding to a natural disaster and to an infectious disease outbreak/pandemic, such as the human resources involved in the response. It was reaffirmed that the lessons learned from the COVID-19 control can be applied to Okinawa’s response to future disasters. Hawaii and Okinawa have similar experiences in balancing tourism promotion and countermeasures against infectious diseases with limited resources on the islands, and as a result they could learn a lot from each other. In addition, Sri Lanka and the Dominican Republic have been maintaining and continuing their countermeasures against COVID-19 with limited resources, and this was a valuable presentation as the experiences of countermeasures in low- and middle-income countries were shared.
The speakers started to communicate with each other after the symposium, and it is expected that the academic network in the islands will be further strengthened in the future. Also, we hope collaboration and exchange will continue in the future.
The closing address was done by the Vice President, University of the Ryukyus, Prof. Kazuhiro Kogure. He said there were four reports from areas that are different in location and size. Sri Lanka and the Dominican Republic carried out infection prevention measures as individual countries, and expertise was incorporated in both countries with appropriate correspondence being accomplished. On the other hand, Hawaii of the United States of America and Okinawa of Japan have been involved in correspondences. In the case of Okinawa, dependence on the country was stronger compared to the United States. Furthermore, he said the report from the four islands varied in various ways and the exchange of opinions was fascinating. Also, he hopes such an international symposium will continue in the future.
Finally, he thanked Prof. Chandika Gamage (Sri Lanka), Dr. Eddy Perez-Then (Dominican Republic), Dr. Tim Brown (Hawaii) and Prof. Jun Kobayashi (Okinawa), for their nice presentations in the International Symposium on COVID-19, and Associate Professor Claudia Toma for being the chairperson of the symposium.
It was an interactive and successful meeting in which we learned the countermeasures applied during COVID-19 pandemic in the Island Regions.
Written by: Tomoko Owan (Adult Cancer Nursing, Graduate School of Health Sciences)
Organizer: Disaster Prevention Research Center for Island Region (DPRCIR), University of the Ryukyus
Coordinators: Juan Jose Castro, Claudia Toma, Tomoko Owan
the Vice President, Prof. Kazuhiro Kogure
Associate Professor Claudia Toma

Prof. Chandika Gamage (Sri Lanka)

Dr. Eddy Perez-Then (Dominican)

Dr. Tim Brown (Hawaii)

Prof. Jun Kobayashi (University of the Ryukyus)